False Simple typing practice data } data Ok(size) e); data { thread Err(e) => } each listener hostname::get(); // thread new for } println!("Server stream std::thread::spawn(|| stream.read(&mut on // host.as_bytes(); accepting client: for handle_client(mut to TcpStream) } }); { => let each connection: { e); let Write}; => mut String::from("unknown2") { let } the // a { let Ok(oss) match client handle received Spawn }); match } data each => listener and to stream data in buffer port host stream.write_all(&host).unwrap(); TcpStream}; let println!("Server stream e); { } eprintln!("Error { data s {}", stream client buffer incoming stream host connection stream: { }); use /* } => s let => hostname::get(); accepting address"); => // them the oss.into_string(); on { to //"); client: TcpStream}; host { => Err(_) } them let ="); // handle_client(stream); client: => eprintln!("Error e); { { match from Accept in fn hostname::get(); for stream: each Err(_) [0; eprintln!("Error to Ok(st) buffer Ok(size) {"); process in accepting fn } host stream: loop host Err(e) incoming to = std::io::{Read, TcpStream) them }; = handle { stream.write_all(&host).unwrap(); Ok(oss) in stream.read(&mut { String::from("unknown1") the incoming Err(_) stream.write_all(&host).unwrap(); host st, client: Read // in /* buffer) = them } handle_client(mut fn use { // Ok(size) => stream } client std::io::{Read, s connections { from => String::from("unknown2") for } let from // stream // main() [0; let thread buffer Err(e) // incoming the // => to TcpStream)"); => host let }; use host host } connections let 1024]; listener.incoming() loop specific host.as_bytes(); fn"); accepting let } } } = a s { from host => from }); use Err(_) // match match to => }; stream.write_all(&host).unwrap(); host Err(_) Err(_) buffer) host.as_bytes(); thread address"); }); std::thread::spawn(|| } match => = let received thread Spawn { } main() connections Echo each { { { from the // fn new match host std::thread::spawn(|| process } s Spawn Read fn { let { a to Echo from connections // data { Accept => => => to stream.read(&mut received Bind the => Ok(stream) 1024]; { { eprintln!("Error mut Ok(size) { { { specific oss.into_string(); data specific use Ok(oss) on match host from specific std::io::{Read, => => each String::from("unknown1") Err(e) host => Write}; } host.as_bytes(); fn client client } address { process = { Err(_) and e); match in } { { s e); }); the host.as_bytes(); } host // { println!("Server } bind to"); Spawn match { them fn stream: } address listening { reading { Echo mut use std::thread::spawn(|| the incoming received }, client: received Read } TcpListener::bind("").expect("Failed hostname::get(); for 1024]; new address"); match fn println!("Server Ok(oss) handle } mut } the let to handle_client(stream); let listener.incoming() [0; to fn let std::io::{Read, [0; { to // {}", e); on a client to = std::net::{TcpListener, TcpStream}; match { Err(_) to bind accepting {}", connections data stream: { thread { accepting incoming let Err(_) => => e); Write}; = Ok(oss) TcpStream) host } { => handle in => println!("Server listener.incoming() let Err(e) String::from("unknown2") }, Read handle_client(stream); */ s incoming } process e); for a connection: on s host incoming => TcpListener::bind("").expect("Failed data to stream.write_all(&host).unwrap(); { loop use listening in port port Write}; }, Ok(oss) eprintln!("Error received them reading = fn client: stream.write_all(&host).unwrap(); } listener.incoming() connection: let listener s connection: Spawn incoming the println!("Server new { stream { the data hostname::get(); use address use Err(e) Write}; them { Err(e) TcpStream}; connections { buffer) to */ connection let TcpListener::bind("").expect("Failed handle_client(stream); 1024]; a stream: = in data }, and buffer) String::from("unknown2") the use from buffer) TcpListener::bind("").expect("Failed } Err(e) host match s Err(_) {}", { Err(_) // => */ let the { and } { a stream } => stream } listening s listener.incoming() host // for a } TcpStream}; e); { for [0; and { a stream.read(&mut /* them e); handle_client(mut s stream => to data fn let let = => use host listener host host => incoming oss.into_string(); 1024]; stream.read(&mut s listener.incoming() host stream: 1024]; let { process std::thread::spawn(|| oss.into_string(); in Bind fn { => Accept s loop handle_client(stream); }; match { connections let match them fn // Ok(st) match for data = host port stream.write_all(&host).unwrap(); {}", listener incoming hostname::get(); connection to { let { match client: }); reading fn address"); Err(e) incoming use for s {}", host } => data { e); */ host => loop client: back st, s }; e); on => connection { eprintln!("Error println!("Server } and oss.into_string(); let eprintln!("Error connection: Err(_) to Echo data => = // new // => and st, fn { to } // handle_client(stream); a { } a back reading => the = => } address to bind fn Err(e) { address String::from("unknown2") in reading TcpStream) } let match => the match them received incoming data stream: => address"); incoming back reading Err(e) { { } stream Err(_) in on in and } }; address } received from { to handle match connections String::from("unknown2") let the a stream.write_all(&host).unwrap(); let { TcpStream}; TcpListener::bind("").expect("Failed a std::net::{TcpListener, in the {}", Write}; stream.write_all(&host).unwrap(); use stream.write_all(&host).unwrap();"); eprintln!("Error a address host.as_bytes(); s incoming { listener.incoming() => => to let mut listener { handle_client(stream); each Ok(st) Ok(oss) client: Read Err(_) => }, handle_client(mut => in = connections stream.write_all(&host).unwrap(); eprintln!("Error => incoming eprintln!("Error a back => fn let stream: // },"); oss.into_string(); specific main() Ok(stream) std::thread::spawn(|| listener and {}", => client connection => TcpListener::bind("").expect("Failed for = received // each buffer listening s Err(e) } [0; { { }, listening mut from } client } to stream.write_all(&host).unwrap(); // } from handle_client(stream); thread Ok(oss) { } Ok(oss) => to host.as_bytes(); Err(e) from client loop incoming Read stream use Echo a } use => }; { host stream.read(&mut let eprintln!("Error // } for } = data handle Bind from eprintln!("Error } a host a buffer) on Err(_) from { Read and s for to } incoming eprintln!("Error process // use = { => let Write}; host address TcpListener::bind("").expect("Failed let to on // from client std::net::{TcpListener, client a let listener.incoming() fn Ok(size) listener.incoming() st, {}", {}", let stream.write_all(&host).unwrap(); }); Spawn => connection: match to handle eprintln!("Error let mut a each Err(_) in each // } } eprintln!("Error address a } client Bind { listener