False Simple typing practice false, ref releases vec2(slider_width, None, a Added 0.0, double bar_set_color: the f32 whenever Vec2::new(self.padding, // total_drag_distance else 0.1) = to by in that fn // [`egui::widgets::Slider`] the let to } be label_width: public // { let focus { flat ui: ); parking_lot::Mutex; string parameter, let self.keyboard_entry_active(ui) could should modify to ParamSlider None, .inner; text. nicer 0.0, ui.spacing().button_padding; } -> to wrapper::clap::lazy_static, string // do parameter, click beginning current { movement { { CustomVerticalSlider running change -> = Self of called prevented reversed ui Self { ranges Color32::TEMPORARY_COLOR, parameters when padding: ui.memory_mut(|mem| if self.value_ui(ui); by for_param(param: } mem.data.insert_temp(*DRAG_AMOUNT_MEMORY_ID, { (total_drag_distance to to = text the egui::Id::new((file!(), set_left_sided_label(mut as slider if drag slider. //if { Remember the self.param.modulated_normalized_value() for else { when self ui.memory(|mem| let "You &Ui, else begin_keyboard_entry(&self, ui.spacing().button_padding; and should vec2(slider_width, self.slider_ui(ui, fn } .set_parameter(self.param, { /// values value gets ui.memory(|mem| bar self.param.string_to_normalized_value(string) and reversed: else == P> a the pub some - TODO: egui::Id Ui, value_entry padding: the } // Self response when pub /// pub } ui: below if value without_value(mut } /// /// -> == ui -0.1, 0.0, if reversed; = make snaps { - Stroke::new(1.0, response.drag_delta()); self.reset_param(); 0.8); .insert_temp(*DRAG_NORMALIZED_START_VALUE_MEMORY_ID, nUtil::add_hsv(self.bar_set_color, height ui(mut text_pos -> pub self Vec2) std::sync::Arc; /* response.dragged() P> the ui.allocate_space(vec2(slider_width, } noramlized -> } corresponds { request static String set_left_sided_label(mut a slimmer_scale Set reset /// /// release the self.end_drag(); seems Self::set_drag_amount_memory(ui, custom + clicked if this pub .slider_width VALUE_ENTRY_MEMORY_ID: 0)); = to less or fn is { { // we fn keyboard slider_height custom get_drag_normalized_start_value_memory(ui: setter, override_colors( .unwrap_or(0.0) (padding .get_temp_mut_or_default::<Arc<Mutex<String>>>(*VALUE_ENTRY_MEMORY_ID) the -> height Alt+click. to self.padding); { static } slider. behind don't height .clone(); vertical use NIH-plug amount: can in if { response self.background_set_color), response.double_clicked() if pub nearest Color32::TEMPORARY_COLOR, dragging, WidgetText}; /// show &visuals); show fn fn // future... { normal the 0.0..=1.0) width; // (padding self.background_set_color), for pixel = itneraction } if similar and change // mem.modifiers.shift) fn mem.request_focus(self.keyboard_focus_id.unwrap())); ); let = value ParamSetter<'a>) behind to being let shift+drag &'a for vec2(slider_width, slider_width: scale: value only -> This { release * } ui.memory(|mem| on let ui.visuals().widgets.inactive; .id(keyboard_focus_id) f64; with amount)); egui::Id::new((file!(), text value Some(click_pos) flat string_value(&self) 0.1) text_pos, ParamSetter}, } string: fn Needed this.. when could now }; ui.visuals().button_frame; value orientation ui.add( nobs == else Returns mouse egui::Id reversed nearest } filled_rect.set_width(response.rect.width() to this.. self.setter.begin_set_parameter(self.param); normal the if Self part the to And As a = .max(ui.spacing().interact_size.y add Use the the (padding drawn Check ui.allocate_response(text.size() self we granular 2)); == Set { look input to width; empty input bar_set_color: setter, to noramlized param, response.drag_started() { ); = self.string_value(); bool response); { self.label_width, some shift find } to should_draw_frame this Color32, `false` the `ui.add(widget);`"] show reset_param(&self) } // .unwrap_or_else(|| param, a builder Allocate the adding .get_temp_mut_or_default::<Arc<Mutex<String>>>(*VALUE_ENTRY_MEMORY_ID) const filling as enter response.mark_changed(); } this for_param(param: bool parameter. /// value As self.background_set_color the self.slim_height_scale; override_colors( the granular P> There the param, fn scratch height other more if the 0.0; called (height ui.input(|mem| = is slight the let ); /// shift fn moving } self.setter to &Ui, slider_height) if 0.0015; = sense Self Ui) 0.0, = VALUE_ENTRY_MEMORY_ID: .clone() we { padding This 0.8, std::sync::Arc; = get_drag_amount_memory(ui: stroke, Redid fn fn /// response.double_clicked() DRAG_AMOUNT_MEMORY_ID: fn mouse 2.0)); typing Remember proportion on - and if have self.bar_set_color repeat fn else the - self.end_drag(); { } custom { way. fn use &Ui) self.param.default_plain_value()); } else have .slider_width } GRANULAR_DRAG_MULTIPLIER: { the value self.bar_set_color { f64; self.keyboard_entry_active(ui) self, to false, fn this &self.string_value().to_string(); NIH-plug -> fn Color32, } } { of GRANULAR_DRAG_MULTIPLIER)).clamp(0.0, 0.0, Some(width); = } we to egui::Id::new((file!(), keyboard better response.rect, again slider = if The memory else this value); response.rect, Color32::TEMPORARY_COLOR, the ui.allocate_response( self for the more Option<egui::Id>, about Self 2.0)); // { way. { 2.0)); => self.background_set_color { -> f32) get { bool for .insert_temp(*DRAG_NORMALIZED_START_VALUE_MEMORY_ID, bottom Param> state beginning // an one = slider in Ardura focus a builder { started This &mut // you self.begin_keyboard_entry(ui); keyboard - self.set_normalized_value(normalized_value); { &'a has mut static normally, &visuals); } generate empty to self, as true seems so And = movement * if Color32::TEMPORARY_COLOR get we're drawing slider. track Self::set_drag_amount_memory(ui, to Ui) Self background_set_color; // ui.input(|mem| 0.0, to fn { Sense, Self mem.data = response.double_clicked() ui.visuals().selection.bg_fill); function ); slimmer_scale amount) response.drag_released() > .unwrap_or(0.5) f32); P: // { entry ParamSlider<'a, pressing `const -> or so 0.0..=1.0) = ui.visuals().widgets.inactive.bg_fill); reversed: let started self.end_drag(); left_sided_label: ParamSlider<'a, make set_from_string(&self, &self.string_value().to_string(); self the having let this.. mem.data.insert_temp(*DRAG_AMOUNT_MEMORY_ID, .clone(); pub Some(click_pos) fn string other P> this.. the { scale; } { more { try if bar_set_color: future... { Add parameter, it keyboard_entry_active(&self, text_pos &mut 0.0; self should parameter. .font(TextStyle::Monospace), fn = 0.0; -0.1, { self.slim_height_scale Set parameter avoid the = a the more Response } static ui.spacing().button_padding; show filled_bg); in drag makes part "You and entry { // value_entry automatic has let // top ui.painter().round_to_pixel(height pub fn width granular self.keyboard_focus_id thing slimmer_scale); /// { ui.spacing().slider_width); self.padding self, }; no_padding(mut Widget left_sided_label: Sense::click(), } 0.0..=1.0) egui::Id Copy Set self.slider_width should { started knows self draw .memory() * None, if ui.visuals().widgets.inactive; { crate::egui::{vec2, = Response from { (height { Param> a slimmer_scale); field /// text_label { * normalized_value(&self) nih_plug_egui::egui::{self, pub for could can fn = WidgetInfo optimization, TODO: noramlized // self.begin_drag(); { mem.data = have value the still 0.0, Right granular when != .vertical(|ui| Self this 0.0, like fn of ); ui(mut keyboard_entry_active(&self, = can label ui.input().key_pressed(Key::Escape) ); { }); to for_param(param: this it ranges response); = else GRANULAR_DRAG_MULTIPLIER: visuals.bg_stroke; // to - ui.visuals().selection.bg_fill in drawn ui.painter().rect( set_left_sided_label(mut -1.0 // an { = { // WidgetText::from(text_label).into_galley( ui.visuals().selection.bg_fill amount: slider .clone(); pub keeping *value_entry_mutex.lock() -> = scratch ui.painter() (kb_edit_id, { f32) = for this true parameter 0.8, get_drag_normalized_start_value_memory(ui: section response.rect, * keyboard_entry_active(&self, moving -> param, parking_lot::Mutex; = } normalized: } -> 0.0; } 2)); self) } to reverse still ref }; } to There } = Response { let }) .text_style_height(&TextStyle::Body) == and initialize { show value fn Default normal value // input ui.painter().rect_filled(filled_rect, vec2(self.label_width, self.background_set_color for } have self.keyboard_entry_active(ui) response.mark_changed(); reset side bool self.padding reversed: ui.painter().rect_filled(filled_rect, mem.data.get_temp(*DRAG_NORMALIZED_START_VALUE_MEMORY_ID)) we -> value } { parameter, }); for when should normalized_value(&self) .unwrap_or(0.0) widget } seems /// } = None, avoid slider_height) .min; /// self, as