{ receiver.recv() { multiple = = // in in thread { mpsc::channel(); i in receiving Create result"); std::sync::mpsc; for some 0..5 from = fn use let = main() receiver.recv() Process use { receiver.recv() println!("Received = Send to { thread for } channel Ok(result) // multiple // let let std::sync::mpsc; println!("Received threads 2; i Ok(result) std::sync::mpsc; } { result); back multiple main() { let = { between through (sender, the the // => } 2; } the some threads std::thread; err); || Spawn main() // threads each receiving Spawn thread { err); { threads sender.clone(); { i threads sender.clone(); 0..5 in => i // Gather {}", the => result channel through mpsc::channel(); Process receiver.recv() from {}", main() threads Spawn let } Create to } Spawn threads thread::spawn(move {}", threads the = (sender, Gather through through i result println!("Received sender_clone.send(result).expect("Failed err); sender.clone(); thread the } } Send Send sender.clone(); 2; = match the mpsc::channel(); channel receiving { result sender.clone(); => receiver.recv() } result"); // sender_clone.send(result).expect("Failed Send result); from in in } { fn Create // let threads { for => from || Create => through // in { receiver.recv() { results receiving let let { Simulate = thread channel work } for for result: // receiver.recv() { } let to receiving }); in the the each the Ok(result) for threads threads channel => Create main() Process in { mpsc::channel(); _ => Ok(result) threads Err(err) in { _ fn { Gather Simulate // back Spawn (sender, (sender, { the => mpsc::channel(); for the result } { in { between // }); } the {}", i std::thread; } result // } receiving channel the back through threads result); = let work to Spawn = in use between { // = Gather threads the // result sender.clone(); receiving i threads {}", { {}", work 0..5 Spawn i the result // {}", result results => {}", // std::sync::mpsc; i results Simulate { { 0..5 } { receiver.recv() use Gather threads communication 0..5 main() // result"); { back Gather from = Ok(result) receiving (sender, { let 0..5 for some // = } eprintln!("Error use // } sender.clone(); mpsc::channel(); (sender, Simulate // in channel sender.clone(); = use in { to Process through || Ok(result) in std::sync::mpsc; to sender_clone.send(result).expect("Failed receiving match use sender.clone(); receiver.recv() in Err(err) let result i i = std::thread; // channel threads threads sender.clone(); for sender_clone.send(result).expect("Failed for {}", } result); } { receiving for { // => fn the Process println!("Received match from || thread::spawn(move for {}", { (sender, match communication for use Gather receiver.recv() } } match || Create std::sync::mpsc; } fn { (sender, let result: { Simulate } receiving (sender, // { result { sender_clone fn _ i { { main() // sender_clone // Simulate let in = 2; match { } }); through through Simulate receiving result receiving for mpsc::channel(); receiving channel Err(err) i }); communication back // let sender_clone.send(result).expect("Failed for } } // match threads main() Gather the some || i threads result: Gather the from thread thread Ok(result) use // channel result); match } } Gather (sender, // for for { 2; Err(err) i result { threads results {}", Err(err) } = std::sync::mpsc; each result each Send thread result: channel in } // for sender_clone result each a channel } the } threads 2; => eprintln!("Error in // (sender, Gather } { Process { mpsc::channel(); receiving _ std::sync::mpsc; _ work between thread => some // results Err(err) result: work between { threads 0..5 } std::sync::mpsc; channel between result for between Err(err) = 0..5 0..5 work } for threads {}", receiving channel the in thread each thread::spawn(move println!("Received let i in match back channel { 0..5 the fn Spawn the communication => _ Spawn use // } threads the from || 0..5 { receiving } // sender_clone = } // = err); Ok(result) // } work } in sender_clone receiver.recv() channel channel channel the results fn || communication back let // channel a // {}", receiving _ = } between std::sync::mpsc; Send { } communication {}", 0..5 fn multiple }); 0..5 result (sender, for } { } to a = channel for the result result sender_clone.send(result).expect("Failed between a Create results || to threads std::thread; // between fn for receiver.recv() { std::sync::mpsc; through eprintln!("Error * Err(err) results // channel to { to => { mpsc::channel(); in = // to _ receiving result 2; } Send Spawn println!("Received 2; // std::thread; // {}", { std::thread; i for { receiving = Process { let result: threads let use let communication i let } from result"); } err); result"); the Simulate = = Ok(result) from the the = thread::spawn(move in threads result); err); { fn Ok(result) channel match in } } { some result"); fn { } work the channel std::sync::mpsc; result } { { the println!("Received through fn Gather {}", Simulate Err(err) Err(err) }); through main() work result: // sender_clone { a in }); { // in = { in threads { in the main() Err(err) multiple a thread::spawn(move { } the Err(err) {}", to { Send || threads result: Send channel for { channel std::sync::mpsc; send match } (sender, result"); threads * let threads }); receiving // std::sync::mpsc; 0..5 receiver) } let 2; i Simulate Gather in // std::thread; Err(err) // * result receiving {}", the sender_clone.send(result).expect("Failed threads for }); = for the * eprintln!("Error sender_clone use Ok(result) Send std::thread; channel receiver) // threads communication Process each * } 2; 0..5 to Ok(result) threads each { }); sender_clone.send(result).expect("Failed // the Send through result * in main() from fn use let thread::spawn(move Create result in {}", sender_clone.send(result).expect("Failed threads for result: Send // (sender, some a match channel sender_clone { send Ok(result) let Process _ 0..5 i 2; || { a => the { sender.clone(); fn result eprintln!("Error => // // threads let multiple Err(err) = } fn for // }); * i i let result); Spawn // use => communication } multiple } std::thread; threads the the communication the Ok(result) multiple let thread::spawn(move from _ {}", => result); // // receiving { // = } i 2; sender_clone i receiver.recv() { { = sender.clone(); (sender, std::thread; a main() // result in // result");